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My Life, Not Yours, My Life by Alvina

Rated: None

[Reviews: 0]

A young girl hasn't spoken for many years. When she’s adopted by a new family will she learn to speak again?

Categories : Fanfictions a1

Character : Ben Adams, Christian Ingebrigtsen, Mark Read, Paul Marazzi

Pairings : None

Genre : Angst, Drama, Romance

Warnings : None

Chapters : 2

Completed : No

Word count : 1.657

Read count: 6

Published: August 1, 2002

Updated: August 1, 2002

My Life, Not Yours, My Life Chapter 02

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I walked to my locker and the same girls as always stands in front of it. "Look there we have Susan" Said one of them. "So how are you doing, Susan?"
I just looked at her. "What not talking? How RUDE"

"Susan you forgot this" Said Gary walking to me and handing me my maths book. The girls look at him. And he looked at them and then at me.

"What is it Susan?" I looked at my locker. "Girls can you be so kind to move aside since Susan wants to use her locker?"

The girls walked away.
"Sure" Said the same girl.

"Thanks. Now Suez I have to go" I nodded. "You take care okay?" I nodded again. "Okay" He hugged me and walked away.

The girls looked at me and I just went to my locker.

"Thanks Gary" I thought "I own you one"

The bell rang and I walked to my class. First I had history. Yuk I hate it cause it's always boring. Always those long stories, always those stupid questions.

"Okay class" Said the teacher "I want you all to write a story bout you in the history. You know like you when you discover America."

‘Ohh no a story, No don't do this to me.' I thought.

"Susan is something wrong?" The teacher asked me.

I shook my head no. And I looked at my history book.

"Okay then" The bell rang and everyone walked away as fast as they can, me? I just walked slowly like always. I walked to my locker again and put my history book in my locker. I grabbed my English book and went to class.

Threw lunch the girls came to me again and asked me some questions bout Gary. But I didn't answer any of them. I just looked at my food. So this girl hits me and now I've got a blue eye.

‘Just 2 more hours' I thought. Now I was at my Maths class. I didn't understand anything of it… There was a knock on the door and Gary walked in.

"Uhm… Sorry to bother you but is it ok if I can talk to Susan for a sec?" he asked the teacher.

"Yeah sure. Susan, go with this young men please"

I got up and walked to where Gary was standing.

"Susan who did this to you?" he asked me when he saw my blue eye. He looked at the teacher and the teacher said:

"I don't know, she doesn't want to tell me" Gary nodded.

"Susan who did this to you?" he asked once again. I looked at the girl who hit me and Gary followed my look. And asked the girl if she hit me.

"No of course not. I can't hit anyone" She said "She's lying" she said again. Now that pissed Gary off.

"What? You are telling me that my girlfriend is lying?"

The girl looked at me and then at Gary.

"Your girlfriend?" She asked.

"Yeah my girlfriend" He grabbed my arm and let my out of the classroom. "Sorry sir but you are not allowed to take her with you" Said the teacher.

"No but it is allowed to beat her up?" he asked her and walked away dragging me behind him.

"Suez, are you alright?" I nodded. "He he. Did you saw her face when I said you were my girlfriend?" I nodded and smiled remembering her face. He brought me home and let me sat on the sofa. He took care of my eye. My school called asking me where I was. Gary said he had taken me home because I was beaten up. And the school agreed that I could stay home for a week.

I had fun in the week off. Even Mark, That's Gary's younger brother, came home from tour. Cause he's in a band called a1. He's a good singer and plays the piano really really really beautifully. But today was the day I had to go to school again. This time Mark took me to school.

"Okay Sweetie, here we are" I looked at him "Should I walk with you to your locker?" I nodded. "Okay" Mark walked with me to my locker.

"Look she's cheating on here boyfriend" Said Miranda, the girl who had hit me.

"Huh Boyfriend?" Asked Mark

"Yeah you know that lad named Gary?"

"Gary?" Mark looked at me with this question look. I looked at the ground. Then I grabbed a pencil and paper from my locker and wrote down what they meant. Well sort off.

"Ohh" He said "I see"

"Well Susan is like my sister and if I'm not allowed to take her to school even though she has a girlfriend that that's your problem."

"Sure you're only taking her to school" said Miranda

"OMG!" We heard a girl yell "That's Mark Read" and she ran to Mark and ask an autograph.

"Mark Read? You mean from a1?" Asked Miranda

"Well duh" replied the girl

I grabbed my books. I saw the girls all drooling over Mark and then the bell rang.

"Suez, wait up" Said Mark "Take care girl" and he hugged me. I smiled at him and walked to the classroom.

"So Miss Read, You're back?" I nodded "It's good to have you back"

"Yeah right" Said Miranda and the whole classroom laughed.

"Now Miranda that's not nice of you" said the teacher

"I'm sorry sir I'll do it again" They laughed again


We started the lesson.

Now I had lunch I heard there's gonna be a band playing. "But I didn't know who.

"Suezy" I heard someone saying I looked up and saw Paul, one of Marks band mates and best friend, Running to me. "Hi" He said and sat down I smiled.

"How are you?" I shrugged "Look Ben here's Suezy" Yelled Paul when he saw Ben. Soon Ben sat next to me and Mark and Christian also came.

"Hi Suez" Said Ben "Glad to see you again" I smiled. I saw all the girls in the canteen look at me with jealous looks.

‘Are you gonna play today?' I wrote down on a paper and let them read it.

"Yeah we are" Said Paul happy. "We're gonna play new songs too" He said with a big smile. I smiled.

"Uhm. Are you the lads who are gonna play today?" Asked someone

"Yeah that's us" Said Mark.

"Well you can play now" He said

"Okay" They all got up and walked to the stage.

"Hi everyone" Yelled Mark "Is it alright with you if we play a few songs?" The crowd yelled ‘yeah' and ‘no' but most of all lots of girls were screaming my ears of.

"Well okay then" And they began to play Caught in the Middle.

Since everyone was having ‘fun' in the back of the canine I went to sit in the front of it. Alone. I didn't mind though to be alone I've been alone for so long now. But it was great to have a family like the Reads they are really nice. Especially Mark. He's a good brother. I also like his friends they are also so nice. Hmm… They where singing Power of Desire now… Some girls came to the table I was sitting. And some of them yelled at me. Or asked me questions. But
the worst thing was. I didn't answer the questions and one of the girls hit me twice… So I walked to the bathroom and stayed there till class starts.
