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Tarzan (Musical) by Alvina

Rated: G

[Reviews: 0]

Tarzan (Musical) review

Categories : Reviews

Character : None

Pairings : None

Genre : None

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 282

Read count: 4

Published: September 5, 2009

Updated: September 5, 2009

Tarzan (Musical) Chapter 01

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0 Reviews

Title: Tarzan
Artist: Ron Link, Chantal Jansen, Chaira Borderslee and various others
Type: Musical
Release Year: 2007

First things first. I went to the musical Tarzan again past Wednesday! Once more I was on the front row! It was awesome. Ron Link, who plays Tarzan, was often right in front of me. One time he even looked at me, which my aunt saw as well – she went with me, she my sister and uncle. But like I said I had a wonderful time. Again we got our hearing damaged by Chantal Jansen's (Jane) screaming. Most of the audience were frightened by the gun shots. Ron Link (Tarzan) came on stage from behind the audience – I was looking behind me to see when he came on. Korchak (Don't know the actors name) came on from behind us as well, kinda missed him though, had completely forgotten about him. Also Chaira Borderslee (Kala) was awesome again! She always does an amazing job, doesn't matter which character she plays, she plays them well. Just heartbreaking when she lost her baby, or when she sings "You'll be in my heart".

Also went to the Artist Exit – Chaira walked past us, didn't notice her. (AGAIN!!) Have a picture with Chantal and one with Ron. Ron talked to use for a little while which was nice. He asked us how we like the show and I told him it was awesome and this was our second time. He then asked us if it's different than before which I replied with that you see different things.

Also I have to note that whenever Ron sings "Everything that I am" I just get goosebumps. He has such an amazing voice!
