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The Doggytale by Alvina

Rated: G

[Reviews: 0]

Max loses the love of his life but gains a new one.

Categories : Original Stories

Character : None

Pairings : None

Genre : None

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 354

Read count: 13

Published: August 26, 2008

Updated: August 26, 2008

The Doggytale Chapter 01

Disclaimer: Mine all mine.
Author's note: A stupid little fairytale, which burned a hole in my head.
Begun at: August 26, 2008
Ended at: August 26, 2008

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0 Reviews

Once upon a time a four-legged creature named Max went to the park where he met another dog. She was the most beautiful dog he had ever seen but she did not seem interested in him.

He'd bark at her, yet she showed no reaction.

He'd growl at her, but still there was no reaction.

He did not know what else to do. He'd tried everything he could think of, bark, growl, wiggle his tail, lick her nose but nothing seemed to be getting a reaction from her.

Till one day he went to the park and she was no longer there. He sat at the same spot she always vacated and howled, crying his heart out.

"My young friend, what is wrong with you?" His master asked him but he'd just howled louder. He had lost the love of his life and nothing could bring her back.

The time came he could cry no longer, just as another dog walked up to him. "Why are you crying?" she asked him.

"I lost the love of my life," he replied sadly, not looking up.

It was after a small nudge from her that he looked up into her eyes. She was so beautiful to him and she noticed him. "I'm Lulu," she introduced herself. "Will you be my love?" She asked him.

Max nodded, introduced himself and stood up, getting ready to know her.

He barked happily for he had found a new love of his life. He found out that Lulu had no master and wanted her to become a part of his family. Together they came up with a plan to lure her into his home.

Lulu walked over to Max's master and gazed at him with her sweetest face. It didn't take long for Master to break down and offer Lulu a place in their home as long as Max agreed. Once more Max barked happily and showed Lulu inside their new home.

From this point Lulu and Max have been inseparable and started a big family who loved them very much. Just as life could not get any better they got grandchildren who all lived happily ever after.

The End
August 26, 2008
