...Writings from all kinds of fandoms...

Backstreet Boys Concert Rotterdam by Alvina

Rated: G

[Reviews: 0]

Backstreet Boys Concert Rotterdam review

Categories : Reviews

Character : None

Pairings : None

Genre : None

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 1.088

Read count: 5

Published: September 1, 2009

Updated: September 1, 2009

Backstreet Boys Concert Rotterdam Chapter 01

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0 Reviews

On Sunday April 6th, I woke up at a quarter to 7, then 7 o'clock, then a quarter past 7 then finally at 7:30am I got out of bed for I couldn't sleep anymore. I went to browse around on the Internet and for some reason I went to find out if there were already people waiting in line for the Backstreet Boys concert which I would be attending that evening. Unfortunately there were already people waiting, which got my anxious because I was afraid I'd be all the way in the back. But as of now I couldn't do anything about it. Finally my mum and my sister woke up (my mum was going with me to the concert and my sister had to work there so we got a ride with her). I kept bugging them to go so at nine we were off to Ahoy, Rotterdam. Which is luckily just half an hour away from us so we arrived there at 9:30am. Already there was a line and my heart sank. But nevertheless we went to stand in line and waited.

I had taken my book with me so I was either reading, browsing around on my sister's laptop or playing cards with my mother. At around 5:30pm everyone in front of us decided it was good to run to the doors so we went after them to stay in front of them. So, now we were standing all cramped up against each other but somehow I did not care for my sister was already inside while they were having their sound check and she had called me so I listened to them. I got the biggest shock of my life though as suddenly they started singing "Ademnood" which is a Dutch sung by three soap opera actresses and I was afraid they'd be the support act. Funny enough I heard Brian trying to sing a long, which was great! Then they started singing "Something that I already know" and I was gone. I love that song and had wanted them to sing this in their concert but I had already found out that they wouldn't so I was glad they sang it there and I was listening with a big smile on my face…

Finally the doors opened at 6:45 pm and after the security checked my bag I ran, and ran, hoping to get a spot closer to the stage. My sister told me to run all the way to the back cause they had opened that gate so we could get close to the stage. Let me tell you something else: My mum was running as well! It was kind of hilarious! Anyway I was like 8 meters away from the stage so i was rather closer, closer than last time. My mum took my bag and jacket and then went to stand in the back because it was already getting rather crowded there and she can't handle that… So I was left alone… Not that I minded because I was close to the stage!

As a support act we got this crappy DJ. Okay, maybe he wasn't crappy but I don't like that music (I think it was hip-hop) so I kept thinking "Get off the stage, show us Backstreet Boys". Finally at 8:30pm the lights dimmed. A boxring was placed in the centre of the stage and I could already make out two bodies on either side of them behind the white curtain. Eye Of Tiger began as they were introduced, the went into the box ring and started "larger than life" while 'fighting' each other.

When Brian began the singing the first part of "Larger Than Life" I realised I was standing in a concert hall looking at the Backstreet Boys! I was close, I could see them, I could make out their faces I… made a lot of photos!

The concert was awesome, they combined old with new. Each individual had their own solo song and I was happy to learn that Brian would be singing "Welcome Home (You)" which is one of my favourite songs from his solo album! I love every second of this concert. They were great, they sang beautifully. The dance moves were great! And I got to see Backstreet Boys really close!!

Howie sang his solo song "She's Like the Sun" and did some dance moves which made the crowd go wild. After his solo performance the three remaining boys were sitting at a table playing poker. Once Howie arrived they started singing "Show me the Meaning" it was great!

AJ also sang his solo song "Drive By Love/Girl?" I think it's called. I was really enjoying that song. I was like "I'm so gonna like his solo concert in May!" Really good song!

Nick sang a medley of I got You and Blow Your Mind. Which was good as well. I like Blow You Mind so I was 'rocking' along.

Brian was his natural goofy self. He talked to the crowd asking us if we had the Unbreakable cd. Of course they whole screamed so he replied with "Me too". It was so funny, he did that with every album! It was great. After that he went to sing "Welcome Home" and I recorded it!

I recorded all the solo songs an video as well as show me the meaning. I was trying to upload them to youtube but it took so long so I cancelled it.

Anyway, I really had the time of my life and hope they will return soon so I can see them again and hopefully get even closer to the stage!

Here's the track list:
* Larger Than Life
* Everyone
* Any Other Way ???
* You Can Let Go
* Unmistakable????
* I Want It That Way
* Howie Dorough – She Like the Sun (Song from Solo Album)
* Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely
* More Than That???
* Helpless When She Smiles
* Trouble Is?????
* Incomplete
* A.J. McLean – Drive By Love (Song from Solo Album)
* Nick Carter Drum Solo
* Panic???????
* Everything But Mine
* Nick Carter – Blow Your Mind/I Got You (Song from Now or Never) medley
* Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)
* As Long As You Love Me?
* All I Have To Give
* I'll Never Break Your Heart
* Inconsolable
* Brian Littrell – Welcome Home (Song from Welcome Home)
* The One???????
* Treat Me Right
* The Call??????
* Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
* Encore: Shape of My Heart?
