...Writings from all kinds of fandoms...


3 stories found in category 'Harry/Edward'

Ashes in the Wind by Alvina

Rated: NC17

[Reviews: 1]

Harry Potter defeated Voldemort after his fifth year. Being expelled from Hogswarts he flees to America where he meets the Cullens. Will he be able to start a new life or will his past catch up with him?

Categories : Fanfictions Twilight, Fanfictions Harry Potter

Character : Edward Cullen, Harry Potter

Pairings : Edward/Harry, Harry/Edward

Genre : Drama, Romance, Slash

Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)

Chapters : 21

Completed : Yes

Word count : 61.502

Read count: 98

Published: September 1, 2019

Updated: September 1, 2019

Gone too soon, but not far by Alvina

Rated: PG13

[Reviews: 0]

Edward is faced with losing his mate again but know with time he'll find him again.

Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter, Fanfictions Twilight

Character : Edward Cullen, Harry Potter

Pairings : Edward/Harry, Harry/Edward

Genre : Drama, Romance

Warnings : Established relationship, Male/Male relationship(s)

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 4.061

Read count: 36

Published: June 8, 2011

Updated: June 8, 2011

Reason for living by Alvina

Rated: NC17

[Reviews: 0]

Edward meets Harry while hunting in the Forbidden Forest. Every wizards and witches are supposed to kill any vampires on sight yet Harry doesn't. A new friendship forms and Harry helps Edward escape. Short one shot.

Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter, Fanfictions Twilight

Character : Edward Cullen, Harry Potter

Pairings : Edward/Harry, Harry/Edward

Genre : Slash, PWP, Romance

Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 5.268

Read count: 33

Published: April 8, 2011

Updated: April 8, 2011