...Writings from all kinds of fandoms...

Harry Potter

7 stories found in category 'Harry Potter'

Love Knows I Love You by Alvina

Rated: NC17

[Reviews: 6]

About four months after Dumbledore’s death, Harrison “Harry” Diggory and Edward Mason Cullen are trying to figure out where they stand with each other when fate steps in again. Can they survive whatever fate pushes at them or is fate cruel enough to tear them apart?

Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter, Fanfictions Twilight

Character : Edward Cullen, Harry Potter

Pairings : Edward/Harry

Genre : Slash, Drama, Romance

Warnings : Established relationship, Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)

Chapters : 15

Completed : Yes

Word count : 58.665

Read count: 117

Published: November 1, 2009

Updated: May 11, 2010

Tender Moment by Alvina

Rated: NC17

[Reviews: 2]

Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory spend the day together before the final task of the Tournament.

Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter

Character : Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory

Pairings : Cedric/Harry

Genre : Romance, Slash

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 4.723

Read count: 107

Published: August 30, 2009

Updated: September 18, 2009

Ashes in the Wind by Alvina

Rated: NC17

[Reviews: 1]

Harry Potter defeated Voldemort after his fifth year. Being expelled from Hogswarts he flees to America where he meets the Cullens. Will he be able to start a new life or will his past catch up with him?

Categories : Fanfictions Twilight, Fanfictions Harry Potter

Character : Edward Cullen, Harry Potter

Pairings : Edward/Harry, Harry/Edward

Genre : Drama, Romance, Slash

Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)

Chapters : 21

Completed : Yes

Word count : 61.502

Read count: 98

Published: September 1, 2019

Updated: September 1, 2019

Gone too soon, but not far by Alvina

Rated: PG13

[Reviews: 0]

Edward is faced with losing his mate again but know with time he'll find him again.

Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter, Fanfictions Twilight

Character : Edward Cullen, Harry Potter

Pairings : Edward/Harry, Harry/Edward

Genre : Drama, Romance

Warnings : Established relationship, Male/Male relationship(s)

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 4.061

Read count: 36

Published: June 8, 2011

Updated: June 8, 2011

Reason for living by Alvina

Rated: NC17

[Reviews: 0]

Edward meets Harry while hunting in the Forbidden Forest. Every wizards and witches are supposed to kill any vampires on sight yet Harry doesn't. A new friendship forms and Harry helps Edward escape. Short one shot.

Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter, Fanfictions Twilight

Character : Edward Cullen, Harry Potter

Pairings : Edward/Harry, Harry/Edward

Genre : Slash, PWP, Romance

Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 5.268

Read count: 33

Published: April 8, 2011

Updated: April 8, 2011

Not my intention by Alvina

Rated: NC17

[Reviews: 0]

Harry's pulled into a vision of Voldemort but doesn't want to experience it anymore and suddenly finds himself in the bedroom of his mortal enemy; Tom Riddle, who shows him things he never knew existed.

Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter

Character : Harry Potter, Tom Riddle / Voldemort

Pairings : Harry/Tom

Genre : Slash

Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 10.347

Read count: 6

Published: November 20, 2010

Updated: November 20, 2010

How can this be by Alvina

Rated: NC17

[Reviews: 0]

Harry had been in love with Tom Riddle for a while now but never confided in his friends. When the need to talk to someone about it he finds out things aren't as they seem.

Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter

Character : Harry Potter, Tom Riddle / Voldemort

Pairings : Harry/Tom

Genre : Slash

Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 15.123

Read count: 9

Published: January 21, 2011

Updated: January 21, 2011