Ciske de Rat (Musical) review
Categories : Reviews
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None
...Writings from all kinds of fandoms...
Fanfictions [82]
Opinions [1]
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Projects - 30 Seconds To Mars [3]
Reviews [12]
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100 stories found in category 'Latest writings'
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
Ciske de Rat (Musical) review
Categories : Reviews
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
Backstreet Boys Concert Rotterdam review
Categories : Reviews
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
Categories : Reviews
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
Categories : Reviews
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
30 Seconds to Mars Concert Amsterdam
Categories : Reviews
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
A small poem about missing someone
Categories : Poems
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
How I Know You Love Me
Categories : Poems
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
Not everyone can say goodbye to the person they love.
Categories : Original Stories
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
All there's left to do is cry...
Categories : Original Stories
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : Drama
Warnings : None
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
Max loses the love of his life but gains a new one.
Categories : Original Stories
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
Not everyone thinks a proposal is something they want to receive.
Categories : Original Stories
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None
Rated: NC17
[Reviews: 0]
Harry's pulled into a vision of Voldemort but doesn't want to experience it anymore and suddenly finds himself in the bedroom of his mortal enemy; Tom Riddle, who shows him things he never knew existed.
Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter
Character : Harry Potter, Tom Riddle / Voldemort
Pairings : Harry/Tom
Genre : Slash
Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)
Rated: NC17
[Reviews: 0]
Harry had been in love with Tom Riddle for a while now but never confided in his friends. When the need to talk to someone about it he finds out things aren't as they seem.
Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter
Character : Harry Potter, Tom Riddle / Voldemort
Pairings : Harry/Tom
Genre : Slash
Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)
Rated: NC17
[Reviews: 0]
Alexandria has a one night stand with a hot Scot.
Categories : Fanfictions Gerard Butler
Character : Gerard Butler
Pairings : None
Genre : Romance
Warnings : Explicit sexual content
Rated: PG13
[Reviews: 0]
What is there to loose when you can’t have the person you love?
Categories : Fanfictions Gerard Butler
Character : Gerard Butler
Pairings : None
Genre : Drama
Warnings : Suicide