...Writings from all kinds of fandoms...


77 stories found in category 'Fanfictions'

Tender Moment by Alvina

Rated: NC17

[Reviews: 2]

Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory spend the day together before the final task of the Tournament.

Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter

Character : Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory

Pairings : Cedric/Harry

Genre : Romance, Slash

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 4.723

Read count: 94

Published: August 30, 2009

Updated: September 18, 2009

Not my intention by Alvina

Rated: NC17

[Reviews: 0]

Harry's pulled into a vision of Voldemort but doesn't want to experience it anymore and suddenly finds himself in the bedroom of his mortal enemy; Tom Riddle, who shows him things he never knew existed.

Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter

Character : Harry Potter, Tom Riddle / Voldemort

Pairings : Harry/Tom

Genre : Slash

Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 10.347

Read count: 6

Published: November 20, 2010

Updated: November 20, 2010

How can this be by Alvina

Rated: NC17

[Reviews: 0]

Harry had been in love with Tom Riddle for a while now but never confided in his friends. When the need to talk to someone about it he finds out things aren't as they seem.

Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter

Character : Harry Potter, Tom Riddle / Voldemort

Pairings : Harry/Tom

Genre : Slash

Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 15.123

Read count: 9

Published: January 21, 2011

Updated: January 21, 2011

Learning Control by Alvina

Rated: PG13

[Reviews: 0]

After another almost explosion Peter's had enough of his uncontrollable powers. He decides it's time to learn them. A young woman thinks the same and starts to help him.

Categories : Fanfictions Heroes

Character : Peter Pertrelli

Pairings : None

Genre : General

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 2.078

Read count: 2

Published: September 8, 2008

Updated: September 28, 2008

Last Thoughts by Alvina

Rated: G

[Reviews: 0]

Peter's thoughts as he explodes.

Categories : Fanfictions Heroes

Character : Peter Pertrelli

Pairings : None

Genre : General

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 259

Read count: 2

Published: August 29, 2008

Updated: August 29, 2008

Till We Meet Again by Alvina

Rated: PG

[Reviews: 0]

Erestor remembers his lost love.

Categories : Fanfictions Lord of the Rings

Character : Erestor

Pairings : None

Genre : Drama

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 1.303

Read count: 15

Published: January 14, 2006

Updated: January 14, 2006

The Changing by Alvina

Rated: PG13

[Reviews: 0]

Nessa and Alvina have been going through a rough time. When they escape they are found by Elrohir and Elladan and are brought to Imladris, where both of them begin a new life.

Categories : Fanfictions Lord of the Rings

Character : Elrohir, Legolas

Pairings : None

Genre : Drama, Romance

Warnings : None

Chapters : 10

Completed : Yes

Word count : 14.608

Read count: 4

Published: September 1, 2004

Updated: September 1, 2004

Snow Fight by Alvina

Rated: G

[Reviews: 0]

Elrohir and Elladan sneak out of the house to play in the snow.

Categories : Fanfictions Lord of the Rings

Character : Elladdan, Elrohir

Pairings : None

Genre : General

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 602

Read count: 18

Published: May 11, 2007

Updated: May 11, 2007

Meant To Happen by Alvina

Rated: PG13

[Reviews: 0]

Ereinion meets a strange Elf whom he fells in love with.

Categories : Fanfictions Lord of the Rings

Character : Ereinion

Pairings : None

Genre : Drama, Romance

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 1.954

Read count: 3

Published: June 15, 2004

Updated: June 15, 2004

Make Your Choice by Alvina

Rated: G

[Reviews: 0]

Elrond and Elros make their choice to be either Elven of Human.

Categories : Fanfictions Lord of the Rings

Character : Elrond, Elros

Pairings : None

Genre : General

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 438

Read count: 14

Published: March 23, 2008

Updated: March 23, 2008

Give me a chance by Alvina

Rated: NC17

[Reviews: 0]

Erestor has been in love with Elrond for millennia. Now that Erestor is fading is Elrond willing to love him back?

Categories : Fanfictions Lord of the Rings

Character : Elrond, Erestor

Pairings : Elrond/Erestor, Erestor/Elrond

Genre : Romance, Slash

Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 4.957

Read count: 61

Published: November 1, 2010

Updated: November 28, 2010

Home At Last by Alvina

Rated: G

[Reviews: 0]

Ardeth Bay decides its time to go home.

Categories : Fanfictions Mummy, the

Character : Ardeth Bay

Pairings : None

Genre : Romance

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 530

Read count: 27

Published: June 21, 2008

Updated: June 21, 2008

How did I fall in love with you? by Alvina

Rated: PG13

[Reviews: 1]

Orlando falls in love with his best friend

Categories : Fanfictions Orlando Bloom

Character : Orlando Bloom

Pairings : None

Genre : Romance

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 1.719

Read count: 3

Published: March 1, 2004

Updated: March 1, 2004

My Immortal Love by Alvina

Rated: PG13

[Reviews: 2]

Orlando misses his love...

Categories : Fanfictions Orlando Bloom

Character : Orlando Bloom

Pairings : None

Genre : Drama

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 1.081

Read count: 3

Published: June 1, 2003

Updated: June 1, 2003

Newly Found Friends by Alvina

Rated: PG

[Reviews: 0]

Erik and Christine start to get to know each other.

Categories : Fanfictions Phantom of the Opera

Character : Christine, Erik

Pairings : Christine/Erik, Erik/Christine

Genre : General

Warnings : None

Chapters : 1

Completed : Yes

Word count : 2.250

Read count: 4

Published: May 6, 2007

Updated: May 6, 2007