Phoebe and Coop's first date.
Categories : Fanfictions Charmed
Character : Phoebe Halliwell, Coop
Pairings : None
Warnings : None
...Writings from all kinds of fandoms...
Categories: Fanfictions
Pairings: Edward/Jacob, Jacob/Edward
Categories: Fanfictions
Pairings: None
Categories: Fanfictions
Pairings: None
Categories: Fanfictions
Lord of the Rings
Pairings: None
Categories: Fanfictions
Lord of the Rings
Pairings: None
Categories: Fanfictions
Lord of the Rings
Pairings: None
Categories: Fanfictions
Lord of the Rings
Pairings: None
Categories: Fanfictions
Lord of the Rings
Pairings: None
Categories: Fanfictions
Lord of the Rings
Pairings: Elrond/Erestor, Erestor/Elrond
Categories: Fanfictions
Phantom of the Opera
Pairings: Christine/Erik, Erik/Christine
Categories: Fanfictions
Phantom of the Opera
Pairings: Christine/Erik, Erik/Christine
Categories: Fanfictions
Phantom of the Opera
Pairings: Christine/Erik, Erik/Christine
Categories: Fanfictions
Phantom of the Opera
Pairings: Christine/Erik, Erik/Christine
Categories: Fanfictions
Phantom of the Opera
Pairings: Christine/Erik, Erik/Christine
Categories: Fanfictions
Phantom of the Opera
Pairings: Christine/Erik, Erik/Christine
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
Phoebe and Coop's first date.
Categories : Fanfictions Charmed
Character : Phoebe Halliwell, Coop
Pairings : None
Warnings : None
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
An intimate scene with a married couple.
Categories : Fanfictions Phantom of the Opera
Pairings : Christine/Erik, Erik/Christine
Warnings : Explicit sexual content
Rated: NC17
[Reviews: 0]
Erestor has been in love with Elrond for millennia. Now that Erestor is fading is Elrond willing to love him back?
Categories : Fanfictions Lord of the Rings
Pairings : Elrond/Erestor, Erestor/Elrond
Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)
Rated: PG13
[Reviews: 0]
Edward is faced with losing his mate again but know with time he'll find him again.
Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter, Fanfictions Twilight
Character : Edward Cullen, Harry Potter
Pairings : Edward/Harry, Harry/Edward
Warnings : Established relationship, Male/Male relationship(s)
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
Greg (the fireman) notices Piper loading in her groceries. He sees first hand how happy Piper and Leo are.
Categories : Fanfictions Charmed
Character : Chris Halliwell, Greg, Leo Wyatt, Piper Halliwell, Wyatt Halliwell
Pairings : None
Genre : General
Warnings : None
Rated: NC17
[Reviews: 2]
Dean is hurt on a hunt and Castiel is the only one able to help him...
Categories : Fanfictions Supernatural
Character : Dean Winchester, Castiel
Pairings : Dean/Castiel
Genre : Slash
Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
Ardeth Bay decides its time to go home.
Categories : Fanfictions Mummy, the
Character : Ardeth Bay
Pairings : None
Genre : Romance
Warnings : None
Rated: NC17
[Reviews: 0]
Harry had been in love with Tom Riddle for a while now but never confided in his friends. When the need to talk to someone about it he finds out things aren't as they seem.
Categories : Fanfictions Harry Potter
Character : Harry Potter, Tom Riddle / Voldemort
Pairings : Harry/Tom
Genre : Slash
Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)
Rated: PG13
[Reviews: 1]
Orlando falls in love with his best friend
Categories : Fanfictions Orlando Bloom
Character : Orlando Bloom
Pairings : None
Genre : Romance
Warnings : None
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
How I Know You Love Me
Categories : Poems
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None
Rated: NC17
[Reviews: 0]
Dean and Castiel are together since the day at the cabin but now have to return to the real world. So when Castiel gets taken, Dean does everything to get him back.
Categories : Fanfictions Supernatural
Character : Castiel, Dean Winchester
Pairings : Dean/Castiel
Genre : Slash
Warnings : Established relationship, Explicit sexual content, Male/Male relationship(s)
Rated: PG
[Reviews: 0]
Rated: G
[Reviews: 12]
Erik's feelings on when Christine decides to leave with Raoul.
Categories : Fanfictions Phantom of the Opera
Pairings : Christine/Erik, Erik/Christine
Genre : Angst
Warnings : None
Rated: PG13
[Reviews: 0]
What is there to loose when you can’t have the person you love?
Categories : Fanfictions Gerard Butler
Character : Gerard Butler
Pairings : None
Genre : Drama
Warnings : Suicide
Rated: G
[Reviews: 0]
If I Could Choose An Angel
Categories : Songs
Character : None
Pairings : None
Genre : None
Warnings : None